Tuesday, February 24, 2009

anyone want to lesson plan for me?

having one of those evenings where i should be lesson planning (for tomorrow! eek!) and grading essays, and i somehow cannot make my brain cooperate. we're working on a rather abstract and complex text in my lower-level course right now, and thinking up ways to complicate the discussion while still steering them toward a more nuanced understanding of the essay is really just eluding me at the moment. looks like there will be major freewriting going on in the preppy prof's class tomorrow...

thought obama did a really great job with his speech tonight, and i loved the emphasis on education, health care, and personal responsibility for all americans. he's managed to stay inspiring even after the rah-rah campaigning portion of the political journey has ended, and i love it. he makes me want to be a better american, and that's got to be worth something. i love that he's trying to make us all understand that we have massive common ground despite our differences.

in royal news today, crown princess victoria of sweden got engaged to her long-time boyfriend, daniel westling. i love that yet another "normal" person is marrying into a european royal family. they look incredibly happy, and i can't wait to see what her wedding dress looks like. if her classy engagement dresses (and ring -- what a rock!) are any indication, it's going to be gorgeous.

still having the persuasion-inspired piece knocking around in my head. i'm thinking henry cavill is my ideal stand in for the "wentworth" character. maybe that will be fun to dream about tonight, even if the lesson planning goes as pear-shaped as i expect it will.

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